很多考生在回答問題時,總是過多使用某些詞匯,如連詞and, so, because和but等;話語標志詞right, of course和as you know等;形容詞good, beautiful和big等。用得很濫的詞還有動詞like和communicate等。深圳啟德教育老師提示實際上,考生完全可以用其他的詞代替,如用love和enjoy來適當?shù)靥鎿Qlike,復雜一點的,還可以用prefer…和would rather來表述.而have a nice talk with, chat, telephone和e-mail完全可以形象而具體地表達communicate的意思。
用詞錯誤是常見的問題之一。比如說,英語為母語的人使用of course時,意在引出眾所周知或廣為接受的事情。但在考場上,若考官問一位25歲的女士Are you married?這一問題時,這位女士可能會脫口而出地宣布:
.C: Of course, I am married.(注:C=Candidate,全書同。)這里的of course就是用詞不當,因為一位25歲的女士很可能還是單身呢。這一錯誤顯然是受漢語習慣的影響而造成的。
·absorbed in her kindness and reliability—一為她的善良和誠信所吸引(attracted by her kind-ness and honesty)(注:括號中為正確表達,下同)·enlarge your eyesight 一一拓寬視野(broaden your vision)·taste the experience—一體驗(experience)·touch new things—接觸新事物(have access to / be exposed to new things)這些似是而非的表達英語*人士聽起來特別生硬,因為這些表達在他們的口常對話中是不太可能聽到的。又如:
" C: Many people in China cannot accept rock music.一—很多*人不能接受搖滾音樂。
深圳啟德教育老師提示這句中的cannot accept應該換成do not like或cannot stand,也可以用understand代替。我們可以說:I cannot understand her. She is not normally sad.(我不能理解她,她的悲傷不太正常。)一give entertainment—提供娛樂(provide entertainment)·simple people—一普通人(ordinary people)·popular problem一—常見問題(comnnion problem)·funny—一逗樂(amusing / make someone laugh)這是*考生經(jīng)常用錯的一些表達。究其原因還是考生仍舊沿用漢語習慣去翻譯,或者只是根據(jù)一些整套的英漢詞典的釋義去生搬硬套,而不注意單詞不同的搭配用法(collocation) ,由于漢語中沒有詞形變化(詞尾屈折變化),如“學習”一詞,不論用作動詞還是名詞,都是以同一形式出現(xiàn),而它在英語中的很多情況下都是依賴詞綴變化體現(xiàn)不同的詞性和用法的。因此,*考生經(jīng)常不能準確地區(qū)分詞性。不能區(qū)分名詞、形容詞、副詞和動詞等的不同用法往往會導致用詞上的混亂。例如:
. This is very importance.—這很重要。(This is very important.)·There is a big different between them.—他們之間有一個很大的不同。(There is a big differ-ence between them.)
·He's very success.一—他很成功。(He's very successful.) 深圳啟德教育老師提示考生容易因混淆詞性而誤用的單詞有:
interest (n./v.) ? ? ? ? interested (a.) ? ? ? interesting (a.)success (n.) ? ? ? ? ?succeed (v.) ? ? ? ? ?successful (a.)musician (n.) ? ? ? ? music (n.) ? ? ? ? ? ?musical (a.)fashion (n.) ? ? ? ? ?fashionable (a.) ? ? ?fashionably (ad.)culture (n.) ? ? ? ? ?cultural (a.) ? ? ? ? culturally (ad.)freedom (n.) ? ? ? ? ?free (a.) ? ? ? ? ? ? freely (ad.)protection (n.) ? ? ? protective (a.) ? ? ? protect (v.)importance (n.) ? ? ? important (a.) ? ? ? ?importantly (ad.)nutrition (n.) ? ? ? ?nutritious (a)
interestingly (ad.)
successfully (ad.)
musically (ad.)
.C: I like swimming because swimming is very healthy and swimming is fun. I go swimmingwith my family. We go swimming near our home.
.C: I like swimming because it is a very healthy thing to do and it is also fun. I go swimmingwith my family at a pool near our home.