

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于理解酒店*臺收銀常用英語句型有哪些?-深圳韋博英語


日期:2019-10-08 14:03:57     瀏覽:427    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  酒店前臺收銀常用英語句型有哪些?   1、I will draw up your bill for you.   我?guī)湍Y(jié)算賬單。   2、Here is your bill.   這是您的賬單。   3、Would you like to check it?   您要核對一下嗎?   4、Would you like a breakdown of the bill?   您的賬目要細(xì)分嗎?   5、Here's your change and receipt/invoice.   這是您的零錢和收據(jù)/發(fā)票。   6、May I have your signat一re. please?   請您簽個(gè)名好嗎?   7、Could you sign your name here,please?   請您在這兒簽名好嗎?   8、I'm sorry, but personal cheques are not accepted here.   對不起,我們不接受個(gè)人支票。   9、I'm sorry, but we don't accept personal checks according to the hotel's policy.   對不起,根據(jù)灑店的規(guī)定,我們不收個(gè)人支票。   10、Would you like to settle the difference in cash?   您愿意用現(xiàn)金支付余額嗎?   11、If you check out after 12:00 at noon, you'll have to pay half of the rate.   如果您在中午12點(diǎn)以后退宿,就得付半天的房費(fèi)。   12、Shall I explain some items for you?   要我解釋以下收費(fèi)款項(xiàng)嗎?   13、If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you.   如果您認(rèn)為賬目有錯(cuò),我們可以為您核對一下。   14、I'll check it with the department concerned.Would you mind waiting for a minute?   我去跟和有關(guān)*核對一下,您介意等一會兒嗎?   15、There has been an error.   是我們搞錯(cuò)了。 ?