

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于認(rèn)識小學(xué)英語時態(tài)的練習(xí)題


日期:2019-10-06 14:06:39     瀏覽:95    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
動詞是英語中最重要的一個語法考點,而動詞時態(tài)(以及非謂語動詞)又是各類動詞考點中最最重要的。下面是小編收集整理的*英語時態(tài)的練習(xí)題,大家一起來看看吧! ? *英語時態(tài)的練習(xí)題: ? 1. Great changes __________ in our country since 1978. (take place) ? 2. I __________ my daughter since last month. (hear from) ? 3. It __________ me two days to write the article. (花費) ? 4. Don't touch that __________ child. (sleep) ? 5. Every time he tried to start the car, the wheels ________deep into the mud. (sink) ?


? 6. When I got home, I found that my room __________ breaks into sand a lot of things __________. (steal) ? 7. If I had arrived there earlier, I __________ him. (meet) ? 8. I didn't remember __________ her the book before. (give) ? 9. He called at every door, __________ people the exciting news. (tell) ? 10. Yesterday Mary couldn't finish her homework, so she has to go on __________ it this afternoon. (do) ? 答案:1. have taken place 2. have heard from 3. took 4. sleeping 5. sank 6. had been broken into / stolen 7. would have met 8. giving 9. telling 10. doing ? 與現(xiàn)在完成時連用的標(biāo)志: ? 標(biāo)志一:just ? 副詞just表示“剛剛”時,在英國英語中常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用,而在美國英語中常與一般過去時連用。如: ? He (has) just arrived in Japan. 他剛到日本。 ? The clock (has) just struck three. 鐘剛敲過三點。 ? Poor Jim (has) just had an accident. 可憐的吉姆剛出個事故。 ? ? 標(biāo)志二:before, recently, in the past ? 副詞before的意思是“以前”,副詞recently的意思是“最近”,介詞短語in the past的意思是“過去”。一般說來,它們既可與現(xiàn)在完成時連用(強(qiáng)調(diào)對現(xiàn)在的影響或與現(xiàn)在的聯(lián)系),也可與一般過去時連用(客觀地陳述過去的情況)。如: ? I (have) read the book before. 我以前讀過這本書。 ? He has done [did] this sort of work before. 他以前干過這種工作。 ? I hear that he went [has gone] abroad recently. 我聽說他最近出國了。 ? In the past I (have) had many jobs. 以前我做過許多工作。 ? In the past people thought that the sun turned round the earth. 過去人們認(rèn)為太陽是繞著地球轉(zhuǎn)。 ? 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時表將來的特點: ? 1. 表將來的現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時有時含有“決心”的意思,多用在否定結(jié)構(gòu)中。如: ? I’m not going. 我不走了。 ? I’m not waiting any longer. 我不再等了。 ? 有時也用在肯定結(jié)構(gòu)中,如: ? I’m backing out. 我要打退堂鼓了。 ? 2. 用這種現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時與對方講話時便成了命令,不過語氣比較溫和,如: ? You’re not driving my car again. 不許你再用我的汽車了。 ? You’re finishing [going to finish] that soup if you sit there all afternoon. 你要是在那兒坐一下午,可得把湯全喝光。 ? 表示動作最近發(fā)生的現(xiàn)在完成時: ? 下列副詞可以表明動作等是最近發(fā)生的: ? ■just (剛剛) ? I’ve just tidied up the kitchen. 我剛把廚房收拾干凈。 ? ■recently (最近) ? He’s recently arrived from New York. 他最近從紐約來。 ? ■already (已經(jīng)):用于疑問句和肯定陳述句 ? Have you typed my letter already?—Yes, I’ve already typed it. 我的信你已經(jīng)打好了嗎?——是的,我已經(jīng)打好了。 ? ■yet (已經(jīng)):用于疑問句,詢問所希望聽到的事: ? Have you passed your driving test yet? 你已經(jīng)通過駕駛考核了嗎? ? yet亦可用于否定句中,表示未做但希望做的事: ? I hayen’t passed my driving test yet. 我還沒有通過駕駛考核。 ? ■still (還),at last (終于),finally (最終): ? I still haven’t passed my driving test. 我仍未通過駕駛考核。(盡管我作出了努力) ? I have passed my driving test at last. 我終于通過駕駛考核了。(經(jīng)過我的努力)