雅思口語水平不僅講究厚積薄發(fā),更要活學(xué)活用。想要提高口語水平,不僅要看努力,還要看技巧。下面是韋博小編搜集整理的關(guān)于雅思口語怎么提升的資料,歡迎查閱。 ?
雅思口語怎么提升 ?
2.每天堅持聽BBC一小時(主要是習(xí)慣語速和地道的發(fā)音)http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts這里有超多音頻。我也在iphone上下載了BBC news的app,配合著視頻聽新聞,也不錯。 ?
3.每天堅持模擬考試一次。因為我買的有口語救生圈,自帶有模考所以比較方便。你也可以找同學(xué)幫你??迹粋€做考官一個做考生。(主要是熟悉考試流程,讓??甲兂闪?xí)慣) ?
4.每天總結(jié)part2的topic和tips…..一天至少完成2個,不到一個月全部都能搞定。 ?
5.每天說口語最少40分鐘,強迫自己超過一小時。這個目的就不用說了吧,口語中practice不能含糊。 ?
制定這個計劃之后,每天找時間去完成,不一定非要把時間訂的非常死,在睡覺之前把這些全部完成就行。做了這些不只是對口語有幫助,對寫作閱讀和聽力都非常有益。另外要說的是,口語不是一朝一夕的事情,只有每天堅持才能看見效果,和減肥一樣。 ?
雅思口語天氣相關(guān)話題如何解答 ?
Well, just last weekend my plans were ruined by the weather. The weekends are usually when I’ll travel back home and visit with my parents and family, so that was my plan for last weekend. I’d arranged my schedule and made sure I didn’t have any studying or other things pending… I’d worked during the week to free up the weekend so I could relax and spend two days back home.
But on Friday afternoon the weather started to change look ominous and by Friday evening, when I had planned to leave for home, there was an incredible storm which developed. The rain was torrential with a wind that was gusting and a lot of roads were reported as being flooded… and traffic stopped in various places in the city. ?
I called home and spoke with my mother and she told me that it was the same there and that I shouldn’t travel in such bad weather because I might get delayed. I was a bit sad, but the weather was so bad nobody really wanted to go out at all. In fact the journey from the university back to my apartment was horrendous. The traffic was terrible and by the time I arrived I was completely soaked because of the rain, so I had to admit that travelling all the way home would not have been a smart choice. ?
I waited for a couple of hours to see if things would change, but it didn’t, so eventually I gave up on the idea and started to think what I could do instead. I decided to phone a couple of friends and see if they wanted to do something together, and so we got together on Saturday and we spent the day together and in the evening we went to see a movie and then went to a restaurant for a meal. The weather still wasn’t great, but it was at least possible to go out without getting absolutely soaked again. On Sunday, I decided to have a lazy day, you know… just reading, relaxing, and then another friend came to visit me in the evening and so we chatted for a while and then watched a movie in the evening. ?
上述答案的場景僅供參考,大家可以根據(jù)自己的情況對某些場景進(jìn)行替換。 ?
雅思口語part2范文:愛冒險的人 ?
I think the most adventurous person I have ever known has to be my brother. It was in the last year of his Bachelors that he realized his flair for travelling. When everyone was looking for jobs, he decided to travel. Earning some money through freelancing he started travelling. It was in those travels that he picked up day jobs, to let him survive and let the journey going. ?
It was after one long year that I met him and the stories that he told were amazing. He went hitch hiking from Dehradun to Kanyakumari, taking with him an initial amount of only 1000 rupees. So, there were times when he took lifts, did jobs to let him earn some money and mixed with local people. In the entire journey he was able to learn the basic language for almost 5 languages and can now very well interact with us using those language. He made friends and there are people he goes to meet even now. ?
When I asked if he did any adventurous sports, he replied saying he did lived an adventurous life. And this was something that did strike me. ?
Knowing absolutely nothing about what can happen the next moment and then having the faith that everything will work out fine is something that he has learnt from this trip. Although he has taken up a job, but the adventure in him is still alive, the reason why he takes trips every six months. ?