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位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于懂了全民健身英語


日期:2019-10-05 12:02:27     瀏覽:318    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  *快樂健身   1. What a ?nice day! What about an outdoor exercise?天氣真好!到戶外活動怎么樣?   2. I heard exercise could also boost brain function.我聽說運(yùn)動還能增強(qiáng)大腦功能。   3. For people around the retirement age, they do some tai chi chuan, perform swordplay and practise martial arts.退休年齡的人們一般打太極拳、舞劍、練武術(shù)。   4. OK. That's a good idea.好的。這是個好主意。   5. Yes. Exercise can improve blood flow and spur cell growth,and exercise can lose weight.是的,鍛煉能促進(jìn)血液流動和細(xì)胞生長,而且運(yùn)動還能減肥。   6. In order to live a happy life, everyone wants to have a good health and a long life.為T過幸福的生活,人人都想有個健康的身體,想長壽。


?   對話范例   A: Today is the second "fitness day" of the nation in China,isn't it?   B: Yes,we held the 29th Olympic Games successfully the same day the year before last year, so our government decides to make August 8th the fitness day.   A:Oh,I know. And I find a growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China.   B: Well,there are so many people doing exercises in parks,squares and in front of the buildings every day.   A:How can so many people take part in?   B: We Chinese have always attached great importance to physical exercise and keeping healthy.   A:Wow,what a sporting country! That’s the reason China has gradually stridden into a row of great-power country of sports.   B: You're right. And sports fitness is entering the life of every Chinese.   A:Oh,my God. That’s great.   B: Although the Olympic Games has past,the spirit of it will last forever in Chinese people's heart.   A:I love you Chinese people and I love China.   B: Thank you. And I hope you have a good time living in China.   A:Thanks a lot. That's very kind of you.   A:今天是*第二個全民健身日,不是嗎?   B:是的,我們前年這個時候成功地舉辦了第29屆奧運(yùn)會,所以我們*決定把每年的8月8日定為全民健身日。   A:哦,我知道,而且我發(fā)現(xiàn)日益興起的健身熱正在席卷整個*。   B:唔,每天都有很多人在公園、廣場或樓前做運(yùn)動。   A:為什么能有那么多人參加鍛煉呢?   B:我們*人一直都非常重視體育鍛煉和保持健康.   A:哇,真是個運(yùn)動的*啊!難怪*已經(jīng)逐步邁向體育強(qiáng)國行列。   B:你是對的。而且體育健身正在走進(jìn)每個*人的生活。   A:噢,天啊。太棒了。   B:盡管奧運(yùn)會結(jié)束了,但是奧運(yùn)精神將永遠(yuǎn)銘記在*人的心中。   A:我越來越喜歡你們*人,喜歡*了。   B:謝謝。我希望你在*生活得愉快。