

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算理解延長時間-英語


日期:2019-09-29 11:33:04     瀏覽:115    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
? ? ? ? 情景會話   A: Hello. My flight has been cancelled, soI'll need to extend my stay.   B: Which room are you in, sir?   A: Room 608.   B: Ah, yes, Mr. Davison.How many extra nights would you like to stay?   A: One night, please.   B: That's fine. Would you like to pay right now or when you check out?   A: I'll pay when I check out.   B: OK. Is there anything else I can do for you?   A: Yes, can you recommend something for me to do this afternoon?   B: You can go to the Summer Palace.It's not far from here.   A: Thanks, I'll do that.   B: Have fun.   A:你好。我的航班取消了,我需要延長住宿。   B:您住哪個房間,先生?   A: 608房。   B:好的,戴維森先生。您需要延長幾晚?   A:延長一晚吧。   B:好的。您想現(xiàn)在付款還是退房時再414 ?   A:我退房時再付吧。   B:好的,我還能為您做些什么呢?   A:你能幫我推薦一下今天下午的活動嗎?   B:您可以去參觀頤和園,離這里挺近的。   A:謝謝,我會去的。   B:祝您玩得愉快。

延長時間 英語

? ? ? ? ?場景表述  How many extra nights would you like to stay?   您需要延長幾晚?   還可以這樣說:   0 On which day would you leave?您幾號離開?   O You will stay here for four more days, am I right?您要多住四天,對嗎?   O We do have room for those days.我們那幾天正好有房間。   Would you like to pay right now or when you check out?   您想現(xiàn)在付款還是退房時再付?   還可以這樣說:   O Do you want me to settle your accounts now?需要我現(xiàn)在為您結(jié)賬嗎?   O It is fine to pay for this when you check out.您退房的時候再結(jié)賬也可以。   You can go to the Summer Palace. It's not far from here.   您可以去參觀頤和園,離這里挺近的。   還可以這樣說:   O You should go to the Military Museum.您應(yīng)該去一趟軍事博物館。   0 It's the most famous scenic spot in this city.那是這座城市里有名的景點。