block/hold up/obstruct/tie up the traffic堵塞交通.
broad stream of human and vehicular traffic行人和車輛匯成的洪流.
bulk cargo散裝貨
bus service公交服務
busy traffic繁忙的交通
cargo ?/freight貨物
carriage ?運費
catch a bus趕公共汽車
catch the last bus趕末班車
catch the train/flight/ship趕火車/飛機/輪船.
change buses換公交車
change to No. 8 bus at在……換乘8路汽車
city traffic城市交通
collision ?碰撞
combined transportation聯(lián)運
container ?集裝箱
controlled by red and green lights由紅綠燈控制.
dense traffic擁擠的交通
direct traffic指揮交通
drive back in a car駕車回去
drive down a highway沿公路行駛
Drive Slow車輛慢行
drive through the red light/jump a stop light闖紅燈.
Drive with Caution謹慎駕駛
elevated super highway高架高速公路
endanger safe traffic危及交通安全
engine oil機7由
excessive speed超速
expressway/super expressway高速公路
fast (traffic) lane快車道
Forbidden to Drive without a Licence禁止無照行車.