

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算明了商務(wù)電話禮儀常用英語


日期:2021-07-17 04:55:23     瀏覽:574    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  商務(wù)電話禮儀常用英語 ?   1.常用詞匯   區(qū)域號碼Area code   投幣電話Coin call   會議電話Conference call   信用卡電話Credit card call   電話干擾Crossed lines   直撥電話Direct dial call   國內(nèi)電話Domestic call   分機(jī)Extension   分機(jī)號碼Extension number   交換臺號碼Exchange number   公用電話Public telephone   長途電話 Long distance call   市內(nèi)電話Local call   傳話機(jī)Mouth piece   對講機(jī)系統(tǒng)Intercom system   國際電話Overseas call   同線電話Party line   無線電話Radio telephone   電話本Telephone book   電話亭Telephone booth   電話號碼Telephone number   電信局Telephone office   通話次數(shù)表Service meter ?   2.常用禮貌句型 ?   (1)自報(bào)家門   這里是青海貿(mào)易公司的Tina Hao。我能為您做些什么?   This is Tina Hao of Qinghai Trading Company. May I help you?   (2)聽不清楚   對不起,我沒聽懂您說的話。Sorry. I didn't get what you said.   我聽不太清楚.I can't hear you very well.   通信效果不太好.We have a bad connection.   我聽不太清楚您說的話.I can't catch what you are saying.   發(fā)生上面的情況,您可以請對方再重復(fù)一遍,您可以說:   能請您再說一遍嗎?Could you repeat that,please?   您能再說一遍嗎?Would you say that again?   (3)請對方說慢點(diǎn)   您能再說慢一點(diǎn)嗎?Would you speak more slowly?   您能再大聲一點(diǎn)嗎?Could you speak up/out a little?   您能再說清楚一點(diǎn)嗎?Would you speak more clearly?   (4)幫忙轉(zhuǎn)分機(jī)   請幫我轉(zhuǎn)分機(jī)211. Please connect me with extension two-one-one.   請幫我接人事部好嗎?   Could you put me through to the personnel department, please?   (5)他在忙線中   他現(xiàn)在正在接另一個(gè)電話.tie's on another line right now.   他正在接長途電話.有什么我可以幫您嗎?   He's talking a long-distance call now,what can I do for you?   抱歉.他正在打電話.Sorry. his line is busy.   (6)請對方稍等一下   您能稍等一會兒嗎?Could you hold a moment .please?   您能稍等一會兒嗎?Can you hold on.please?   請稍等一下.他馬上來接電話.Just a moment. He is on his way now.   (7)現(xiàn)在不方便接電話   她現(xiàn)在有客人。She has a visitor at the moment.   他正在開會。He is in a meeting now   很抱歉,我正好要出門??刹豢梢陨院笤俅蚪o您。   I'm sorry, but I was just on my way out. Can I get back to you later?   他有來上班,不過現(xiàn)在不在座位上.He's here but he's not at his desk right now.   他還沒到辦公室。He hasn't come to the office yet.   很抱歉,他剛才外出了.I'm sorry, but he is out right now.   (8)在休假中   他今天休假.He is off today.   以上就是廣州韋博英語整理關(guān)于商務(wù)電話禮儀常用英語的全部內(nèi)容。 ?