

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京雅思培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于認(rèn)識(shí)關(guān)于*明星的雅思作文范文


日期:2019-09-02 16:49:33     瀏覽:517    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  關(guān)于體育明星的雅思作文范文,從體育明星身上我們獲得的是視覺上的享受還是精神上的享受,該怎么衡量體育明星的價(jià)值,關(guān)于體育明星問題你怎么看?以下就是北外雅思小編為您整理的關(guān)于體育明星的雅思作文范文。 ?   【題目分析】   Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.〔考題重現(xiàn):劍橋雅思真題6 Task Two (A類)].   核心詞匯:sports professionals.   文章結(jié)構(gòu):辯論型對稱式話題. ?   【高分范文】 ?   What delectation may we get from professional sports stars, visually or spiritually? And how could people measure the value of something ?"invisible" ?Facing these seemingly simple questions,people tend to ask another question: Is it fair for muscular men to have higher salary than other professions? Before we dig out the answer, it is a must to answer two questions that are mentioned at the very beginning. ?   It is widely acknowledged that everyone lives by selling something...In light of the statement,sportsman earns fortunes and reputations depending on their diligence and talents. However, how can we scale the worth of it? Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which sportsmen perform for us.There are times when we would willingly sacrifice almost everything we possess to meet our requirements. Yet we might grudge spending a fee for the basic needs in daily life. The conditions of society are such that skills (sportsman's performances) have to be measured in the same way as goods are measured at supermarkets. Finally and naturally, more fans, higher pay. ?   Moving on to the second question: the fair or unfair issue. The only certainty in the universe is that nothing is certain. Namely, anything exists in a relative situation. Fair or equal issue is not an exception. Sportsmen who gain tremendous popularity worldwide can and will earn sufficient money.The dominant factor is that, as public figures, they have the responsibility to pay attention not only to financial but also social benefits at the same time. Using their public image, they contribute more than average people to society, undoubtedly.   In summary, that sportsman earns more money than others is absolutely sensible. What we should be concerned about is the pattern they take. ?   【范文翻譯】 ?   從體育明星身上我們獲得的是視覺上的享受還是精神上的享受?而我們又該如何衡量這些無形東西的價(jià)值呢?面對這些貌似簡單的問題,人們往往會(huì)問另外一個(gè)問題:體育明星比其他行業(yè)人員工資高是否合理呢?在進(jìn)一步探討這個(gè)問題的答案之前,有必要先回答一下先前的兩個(gè)問題。 ?   眾所周知,人人都要靠出賣東西為生。按照上述理論,體育明星是憑借勤奮和才華來贏得金錢和名譽(yù)的。然而,我們該如何衡量其價(jià)值呢?盡管可以用金錢來衡量物質(zhì)商品的價(jià)值,但如果想要衡量體育明星呈現(xiàn)給我們的東西則非常困難。有時(shí)我們情愿犧牲所擁有的一切去滿足自身的需要,但有時(shí)我們也會(huì)為了一點(diǎn)基本生活需求而很吝嗇。這樣,社會(huì)上的各種技藝(運(yùn)動(dòng)員的表現(xiàn)也包含在內(nèi))自然就會(huì)和超市里的商品一樣被按需論價(jià)了。終很自然地,喜歡他的人越多,收入也就越高了。 ?   再來討論第二個(gè)問題:平等。世上罕有的可以肯定的事就是萬事都有變數(shù)。也可以說,任何事物都以相對形式存在。平等也不例外。在世界上享有盛名的體育明星能夠也可以掙很多的錢。而核心因素是作為公眾人物,他們有義務(wù)在關(guān)注經(jīng)濟(jì)利益的同時(shí),關(guān)注社會(huì)利益。毫無疑問,憑借公眾形象,他們比普通人對社會(huì)做出的貢獻(xiàn)更大。 ?   總而言之,體育明星掙錢多是完全合理的事情,我們須要關(guān)注的是他們采取何種方式來賺錢。 ? ?   以上就是北外雅思小編為您整理的關(guān)于體育明星的雅思作文范文。體育明星掙錢多是完全合理的事情,我們須要關(guān)注的是他們采取何種方式來賺錢?小編提醒大家,雅思考試需努力,雅思-拒絕“二戰(zhàn)”,有條件的同學(xué)建議參加雅思培訓(xùn)班進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)學(xué)習(xí)。