

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于懂了延期付款英語(yǔ)


日期:2019-09-02 07:47:38     瀏覽:699    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者
? ? ? 對(duì)話范例   A:Yes,you are right. How need the delivery of the soon do you order?   B:The sooner we can complete our focus group research studies,the sooner we can ramp up our marketing and sales programs.I hope we can receive the goods before August. What is your regular practice on the terms of payment?   A:When we deal with the new customer,we usually demand payment by confirmed.irrevocable L/C payable against draft at sight.   B:Would you be willing to make some changes in the payment terms?   A:What do you suggest?   B:We are in a tough position. Please consider deferred pay.   A:I'm sorry. According to the regulations of our company .we cannot accept this.   賈尼斯:是的。您說(shuō)得對(duì)。您需要什么時(shí)候交貨?   布朗:我們?cè)皆缤瓿删钟蚴袌?chǎng)調(diào)研.就能越快制訂開(kāi)拓市場(chǎng)和銷(xiāo)售計(jì)劃。我希望能在八月之前收到訂購(gòu)的貨物。你們通常接受哪種付款方式呢?   賈尼斯:同新客戶打交道時(shí),我們通常要求保兌的、不可撤銷(xiāo)的即期信用證付款。   布朗:你們?cè)敢鈸Q一種付款方式嗎?   賈尼斯:您的意思是?   布朗:我們公司現(xiàn)在經(jīng)費(fèi)有點(diǎn)困難。清考慮讓我們延期付款。   賈尼斯:很抱歉。根據(jù)我們公司規(guī)定,我們不能接受延期付款。


?   常用例句   What are your terms of payment?你們的付款條件是什么?   Can you accept payment by installments?你可以接受分期付款嗎?   That is our usual practice.這是我們的慣例。   As I have said, we require   payment by L/C.正如我所說(shuō),我們要求以信用證付款。   We still intend to use letter of credit as the term of payment.我們?nèi)匀挥眯庞米C付款方式。