

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算曉得航班延誤英語怎么說


日期:2019-08-28 17:07:42     瀏覽:373    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  彝到國外旅游的旅游者持有的機(jī)票被稱為“已確認(rèn)機(jī)票”。這種機(jī)票的往返航班都是已經(jīng)確定的,基本上不可以變更。但是有的航空公司也有可能在你交涉后能給予變更。所以遇到航班延誤時(shí)你可以到你乘坐的航空公司所在柜臺進(jìn)行交涉?! 〈_認(rèn)延誤原因   A : Good afternoon,sir.   B:Good afternoon. I've just heard an announcement that my flight has been delayed.   A:What's your flight number?   B:Flight NW662 to Philqdelphia.   A:That's right. Your flight has been delayed.   B : Do you know why it has been delayed?   A : Oh yes,the delay is due to engine trouble.   B:How long will the delay extend?   A :Probably more than 2 hours.   A:下午好,先生。   B:下午好。我剛聽到廣播,我乘坐的航班已經(jīng)延誤了。   A:您的航班號是多少?   B:飛往費(fèi)城的NW662航班。   A:是的,您的航班延誤了。   B:您知道為什么會延誤嗎?   A:哦,知道,是因?yàn)榘l(fā)動機(jī)故障。   B:將延誤多長時(shí)間呢?   A:可能要兩個(gè)多小時(shí)。


?   不清楚延誤時(shí)間   A : Good afternoon.   B:Good afternoon. I wonder if my flight has been delayed.   A: What's your flight number?   B : Flight CZ373 to Montreal.   A :Yes. It has been delayed.   B :Can you tell why?!   A: Because the airport in Montreal has been closed due to bad weather conditions.   B :How long will the delay last?   A:I'm very sorry. It's not sure yet.   A:下午好。   B:下午好,我想知道我的航班是否延誤了?   A:航班號是多少?   B:飛往蒙特利爾的CZ373。   A:是的,延誤了。   B:您能告訴我為什么延誤嗎?   A:因?yàn)樘鞖獠缓?,蒙特利爾機(jī)場關(guān)閉了。   B:會延誤多久呢?   A:很抱歉,現(xiàn)在還不清楚。   因延誤造成的不便   A : We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay.   B:Perhaps I have to stay here for the night. How do I arrange tonight's accommodation?   A:Don't worry. If you have to stay here for the night, we will be responsiblefor your meals and accommodation.   B: When shall I know if I can leave today?   A: The last word will come out around seven o'clock this evening and youwill be informed then.   B:Thank you for telling me all this.   A:我們?yōu)轱w機(jī)延誤給您帶來的不便表示歉意。   B:也許我得在這兒過夜,今晚的住宿我該如何安排呢?   A:別擔(dān)心。如果您不得不在這兒過夜,您的食宿將由我們來負(fù)責(zé)。   B:什么時(shí)候才能知道今天能不能離開呢?   A:今天晚7點(diǎn)鐘左右會有終結(jié)果,到時(shí)我們會通知您的。   B:謝謝您告訴我這些?!?