

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 英語口語中司機(jī)怎么說


日期:2019-08-20 13:26:16     瀏覽:1175    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

司機(jī),也就是掌握“機(jī)”的人。機(jī)器出現(xiàn)在人類社會上,是瓦特發(fā)明蒸汽機(jī)之后。從那時候開始,就出現(xiàn)了司機(jī)一詞。那么英語口語中司機(jī)怎么說呢?一起來了解下吧: ?

【英語口語中司機(jī)怎么說】 ?



driver; ?

engine attendant; ?

engine driver; ?

engine man; ?

engine runner; ?

例句: ?

The driver gave him a lift to the station . ?

司機(jī)讓他搭腳兒去火車站。 ?

If you need a driver , i am your man . ?

你要是需要司機(jī),我當(dāng)最合適。 ?

The driver pulled up at the traffic lights . ?

司機(jī)在紅綠燈前把車停住。 ?

He catches a job as a truck driver . ?

他找到了一個卡車司機(jī)的工作。 ?

Over his shoulder the driver snarled, "no. " ?

司機(jī)回過頭發(fā)狠說“不行”。 ?

That car is being driven by a learner driver . ?

那輛汽車正由見習(xí)司機(jī)駕駛。 ?

Bad drives cause bad accidents . ?

技術(shù)差的司機(jī)往往造成嚴(yán)重事故。 ?

He is a reckless or inconsiderate driver . ?

他是一個魯莽而不顧他人的司機(jī)。 ?

【男司機(jī)英語怎么說】 ?

men drivers ?

例句: ?

The two arrested drivers were later bailed out pending further investigation ?

兩名涉案男司機(jī)已獲保釋等候進(jìn)一步調(diào)查。 ?

You know what i think , women drivers are more careful than men drivers ?

你知道我怎么想的,我認(rèn)為女司機(jī)比男司機(jī)謹(jǐn)慎。 ?

The 36 - year - old male driver was trapped inside the compartment and was rescued by the firemen ?

該名三十六歲男司機(jī)被困車箱內(nèi),由消防員救出。 ?

The 40 - year - old driver was trapped inside the vehicle . he was rescued out and was seriously injured ?

該名四十歲男司機(jī)被困車內(nèi),救出后嚴(yán)重受傷。 ?

Police investigation confirmed that the deceased was the 55 - year - old taxi driver male xa siu - fok ?

警方調(diào)查后確定死者為該的士之五十五歲男司機(jī)佘兆福。 ?

After the impact , the 26 - year - old driver was trapped inside the compartment and was rescued by firemen ?

相撞后,該名二十六歲男司機(jī)頭部受傷并被困車廂內(nèi)。 ?

After the impact , the 21 - year - old male driver was trapped inside the compartment and was rescued by firemen ?

二十一歲的男司機(jī)被困車廂內(nèi),需由消防員救出。 ?

【女司機(jī)英語怎么說】 ?


a woman chauffur ?

chauffeuse ?

例句: ?

The woman immediately behind the two cars happened to be a learner . ?

緊接在兩輛車后面的女司機(jī)碰巧是個新手。 ?

The driver said nothing , but the bus travelled faster and faster ?

女司機(jī)并不說話,車速越來越快。 ?

You know what i think , women drivers are more careful than men drivers ?

你知道我怎么想的,我認(rèn)為女司機(jī)比男司機(jī)謹(jǐn)慎。 ?

The bus started on its journey again . the driver straightened up her hair and turned the radio to full volume ?

汽車又平穩(wěn)地行駛在山路上,女司機(jī)掠了一下頭發(fā),按響了收音機(jī)。 ?

Man launched on tuesday with the aim of making solo female motorists feel less nervous about driving at night ?

百分之八十二的女司機(jī)表示如果有人坐在副駕駛上,她們會感覺更安全。 ?

【出租車司機(jī)英語怎么說】 ?

taxi driver, cab driver ?

taxi driver/cab driver ?

taximan ?

例句: ?

The taxi-driver left me in the taxi and ran into a doorway near a shop . ?

出租車司機(jī)把我留在車?yán)?,跑進(jìn)商店邊上的門里。 ?

He is hutu . he ' s just a foolish taxi driver ?

他是胡圖人他是個愚蠢的出租車司機(jī) ?

Voiceover : what ' s it like to be a taxi driver ?

畫外音:作一名出租車司機(jī)感覺怎樣? ?

The economy analysis about taxi drivers ' credit ?

出租車司機(jī)誠信的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)分析 ?

We signalled the taxi driver to pull over ?

我們招呼出租車司機(jī)把車開過來。 ?

She left her watch as a pledge with the taxi - driver ?

她將手表留給出租車司機(jī)作為抵押。 ?

Wait for us here , ’ kiah said to the taxi driver ?

“在這兒等我們。 ”凱吩咐出租車司機(jī)。 ?

The taxi driver will have the keys to your accommodation ?

出租車司機(jī)帶有你住處的鑰匙。 ?
