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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京英語培訓資訊 > 北京雅思培訓資訊 > 總算清楚雅思口語怎么突擊


日期:2019-08-20 09:15:12     瀏覽:329    來源:天才領路者

雅思口語是同學們提高成績比較難的一項,對于發(fā)音,連貫性,口語內容等基礎性問題很多同學平常的練習不夠重視,導致分數難以達到預期。下面是小編搜集整理的關于雅思口語怎么突擊的資料,歡迎查閱。 ?

雅思口語怎么突擊 ?

首先要知道雅思口語考試中最重要的是*部分。那么要把這部分的問題自問自答,注意自己答案pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要練習2個話題,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little.最重要的就是把思路整理一下,這樣考試中就可以有備無患了。一共70多個,那么每天2個就可以了。


考過雅思的人都知道口語的分數有的時候要受外界因素的影響。首先如果你的話題卡是你熟悉的題目,那么你的分數會高。例如,a friend/a leader。這兩個卡片在一分鐘的準備時間內,你應該后一個談的好吧。其次,要達到6分,時態(tài)非常重要??脊賳柲? when did you last go to the park?那你必須要使用過去時,否則分數肯定在6一下。所以6分就是語法,詞匯的運用。例如,beautiful campus是個錯誤的用法,而要使用large campus/small campus.這種小細節(jié)也要注意。 ?

其實短時間內提高雅思口語分數是比較困難的,你上次可能是缺乏系統(tǒng)培訓。如果短期一定要考,上一個月的培訓班主要提高的是技巧了。 ?

親愛的,這個時間明顯的比較緊張的,雖然你的六級過了,但是這和雅思考試真的沒有必然的聯(lián)系,也許你的英語基礎和詞匯還不錯,但是雅思是個單項的考察是有很多細節(jié)和要點的。這些點與國內的考試差異很大,需要一定的時間了解并練習和熟悉。因此我們建議學生一般有大約3個月的時間備考。你的時間會有一點倉促。而且5月口語考試要換題,這對你的復習也會造成阻礙。 ?

雅思口語Part2物品類題庫:曾經不喜歡的科目 ?

Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest in now. ?

You should say: ?

what it was ?

when you studied the subject ?

why you didn't like it before ?

and explain why you have interest in it now.

Let’s just say, I was far from an angel at school. I guess I wasn’t that bad, but no one would call me a model student. There were a few subjects I really didn’t care for, but mainly it was Chinese. ?

I’ve obviously studied Chinese throughout my school life, but it was particularly excruciating during senior high-school, so when I was around 11 to 17 years old. ?

Wow, where do I start? Firstly, our teacher was awful. His name was Mr Zhang and he was a real old fuddy-duddy who would only teach from the textbook and regularly bored us to death. We would have to commit countless things to memory, lots of ancient stuff like poems and chengyu, which are Chinese phrases made from between 3 to 16 characters, although the most common use 4. I couldn’t see a use for these things in modern life, they just didn’t seem practical. ?

As I got older and more mature, I started to respect Chinese more. I dug out some of my old textbooks and began flicking through them. Second time round they made more sense to me and I engaged with them a lot more. ?

Nowadays there is a greater interest in Chinese, with a variety of TV shows such as “Chengyu Yingxiong”, which means ‘Chengyu Hero’. These shows celebrate people’s knowledge of characters and in doing so celebrate our culture. ?

雅思口語Part2物品類題庫:電子設備 ?

Describe a piece of equipment you want to buy in the future. ?

You should say: ?

what the equipment is ?

where are you going to buy it ?

what features it has ?

and explain why you want to buy it. ?

I’m a bit behind the times, so I think number one on my list of most wanted, indeed most needed equipment, is a smartphone. ?

I’m not sure exactly where to by my new toy. On the one hand I could buy it on the Internet, where it’s likely to be cheaper, but on the other hand I prefer the more intimate experience of going to a shop and seeing the product first hand before I commit to buy it. Zhongguancun, an area of Beijing, has a huge selection of technological equipment, with mall after mall housing floor after floor of computers, phones and other tech. It’s a geek’s paradise. ?

My current phone has been described as an ‘old man’s phone’. It basically only calls and sends text messages. My new smartphone will have a plethora of features, including a high-resolution camera and the ability to download a wide range of apps, like WeChat. It can also play movies, which will be especially useful when I’m trying to kill time on the subway on the way to work. ?

Really, the soon I buy a smartphone the better. It’s high time I was brought up to date, I don’t want to be one of those technophobes who is dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age. I’d also like to start using WeChat as everyone I know has it and I don’t want to get left behind or kept out of the loop. ?
