

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 雅思培訓(xùn)資訊 > toy雅思口語,2011年1月8日雅思口語哈爾濱


日期:2021-07-15 17:48:45     瀏覽:280    來源:雅思

隨著國際禁令解封,現(xiàn)在很多人都在為出國留學(xué)做打算,但出國留學(xué)外語是必備的,今天就隨小編來了解一下toy雅思口語,還有這些2010年12月18日福州雅思口語回憶???有沒有考過的下午考過的神人路過??,2011年1月8日雅思口語哈爾濱,2021年4月17日雅思口語預(yù)測,【雅思口語話題】A Childhood Toy,急求吉林*雅思考試最近口語話題及考官情況,雅思口語1-4月新題Part 2:描述一個(gè)你童年喜歡的玩具,雅思口語part1必考話題:Toys(玩具),雅思天后劉薇7.10雅思口語權(quán)威預(yù)測?? 也是大家所關(guān)心的


我的211 *部分:這場考試沒有出新題目。有涉獵到的范圍是hometown,study or work, reading, weather, clothes, color, 等等。以常規(guī)題為主。 家鄉(xiāng)部分: History of your hometown, something needs to be improved, something famous in your hometown. Study or work: Your major, why you chose it, is it difficult to find a job with your major? Is this major popular in China? Work的常規(guī)題,is this job important for you? Is it difficult to get your job? 很奇怪的現(xiàn)象, ,有些同學(xué)在part one 部分只有被問到一兩個(gè)問題后,直接進(jìn)入part 2 部分。簡化了很多,所以如果童鞋們經(jīng)歷相同的過程時(shí)別收到影響。 第二部分 這場考試的話題沒有超出這幾個(gè)月的范圍,也就是說沒有新題。但是話題的量卻絲毫沒有減少,只是有幾個(gè)題目今天沒出現(xiàn),但是上個(gè)月不熱的題目這次又拿出來考,只是說出題的頻率不高。可以說,現(xiàn)在的雅思口語考試真的是在檢驗(yàn)一個(gè)學(xué)生的真正英文水平。沒有良好的語法基礎(chǔ),沒有一定量的詞匯積累要想在口語考試中順利通過較之以往,難度上加大了許多。 備注:數(shù)字代表今天考試出現(xiàn)的次數(shù)。 An old friend (1) A famous artist (1) A TV or radio presenter(2) A childhood teacher(1) A person you met who speaks a foreign language(1) A person (明天有可能會考到) A family but not your own that you enjoyed spending time with(明天有可能會考到) Recent changes to your hometown (熱點(diǎn)題) A place where you often go to for lunch(1) A place with a lot of noise(1) A modern building(1) A hotel(1) A place you could learn about the past(明天有可能會考到) A piece of good advice (1) An exciting message you received(through phones, e-mails or text message) Something naughty you did(1) An important in your country(2) A walk with a friend(明天有可能會考到) A long journey(1) A relaxing day(1) A news story that made you happy(明天有可能會考到) Your favorite / subject at high school(1) An item of clothes that someone bought for you (1) A childhood toy(1) Wild animal (1) A gift(1) A job you want to try/an ideal job(2) A childhood hobby (三次)(第三部分問到了現(xiàn)在的hobby) A sport you would like to be good at(2) / outdoor activity(明天有可能會考到) A practical skill(2) Something you have learned to do on computers (such as studying). (2) A piece of new law(1) Something you do to improve the (2) A piece of equipment (except computer) (2) A broken thing (1) An (2) A quiz show (1) A type of music that you like(熱點(diǎn)題)(3) A well-known story in your country(1) A film (1)


A Modern Building A Piece of Advice A Long JourneyA Wild Animal (2) A Hotel A Hobby in Famous Foreign Person An Subject (2) An JobA Garden or Park (2) A Film (5) A News Story that Made You HappyA Relaxing Day Your Future Work Plans A Small Thing to Protect the Unused Thing A Person who Spoke Another Language A Childhood Toy (2)A Person you Have Lived With A Practical Skill A TV or Radio Childhood School A Place with a Lot of Noise A Broken Piece of Equipment at HomeA Walk with a Friend Something You Want to Buy A Family MemberA TV Program that You Didn't Like A New Law A Well-known Story from Your Country A Childhood TeacherAn Exciting Message A Place Where You Go for a MealA Family (2) An Important Artist You Admire A Healthy You Would Recommend A Time When You Were LateA TV Program You Enjoy A ProjectA Place Where You Learned about the Past Something You are Good AtA Sport You Would Like to be Good At An Outdoor Changes to Your Hometown Something Naughty You DidA Person You Helped (3) A Quiz ShowA Piece of Equipment (2) An Item of Clothing Bought for YouA Computer Skill A PersonA Type of Music that is Popular in Your Country An Friend You Admire A Gift You Gave (4)整理的有點(diǎn)亂,樓主整理下


Part1(順序按熱度排名)1.Work or study2.The area you live in3.Window view4.Home/.Name6.Clothes7..Farming&Farm9.Museum10.Tree11.Change program13..New Year15.Maths16.Home country17.Sport18.Singing19.Picnic20.weekend21.Getting up early22.List23.Being message25..Taking a rest a hurry28..Recycle29.New .(順序按熱度排名)1.Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes2.Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future3.Describe an activity you attend which is a bit .Describe a think that you bought and felt pleased about5.Describe a famous person you are .Describe a time when you ate something for the first time7.Describe a time when you got close to wild animals8.Describe a book you read that you find useful9.Describe a you like10.Describe a skill you think you can teach other people11.Describe a tradition in your country12.Describe an .Describe a movie that you want to recommend to others14.Describe a time when your computer broke down15.Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time16.Describe a polite person you know17.Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign .Describe a job you would like to do in a foreign country for a short term19.Describe an area of science(physics,biology,,etc.)that interests you 20.Describe a topic that you were not in21.Describe a toy you liked in your .Describe an person you know23.Describe a time when you need to use your .Describe a kind of weather you like25.Describe a good decision you made .Describe a person who you think is very open27.Describe a family you like a lot28.Describe a short trip you often take but do not like29.Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in30.Describe a time when you saw children behaved badly in public

4.【雅思口語話題】A Childhood Toy

蹦!瞎卡拉卡!各位寶寶,泥!萌!吼!??!我們這一期的雅思口語話題素材積累又如約而至啦!先來個(gè)靈魂三連問:學(xué)姐是不是守信用的學(xué)姐?是的!學(xué)姐是不是貼心的學(xué)姐?是的!學(xué)姐是不是最棒的學(xué)姐?是的!好了,學(xué)姐知道泥萌愛我,不扯閑話了,進(jìn)入正題!這次我們來看一個(gè)也是比較常見的話題:A Childhood Toy先來看看題目:Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.you should say:what it waswho give it to youhow often you played itand explain why it was special to you“童年玩具”一直都是讓大家很糾結(jié)的題目,因?yàn)榭偸遣恢肋x哪種玩具,也不是很清楚具體該說些什么。其實(shí)可以說的有很多,比如:·男孩子的變形金剛 水槍 water gun玩具小汽車 toy car哈雷自行車 Chopper bike·女孩子的洋娃娃 doll維尼熊 winnie bear雪橇 sledge跳繩 skipping rope但為了體現(xiàn)智商和創(chuàng)造力,我們可以選擇積木 building blocks ~~在開始話題之前,我們先要了解一下常見的敘述誤區(qū),大家在回答這類話題時(shí)也要注意避免這些雷區(qū)哦~丨常見敘述誤區(qū):1.時(shí)態(tài):child出現(xiàn),通常都要用過去時(shí);children出現(xiàn),通??疾槿巳侯愒掝},一定要注意時(shí)態(tài)變化;2.思路:想到玩具就只記得描述來歷,可以描述模樣,誰送的等等;3.限定詞解釋:限定詞是special,不要只能想到玩具本身,送的人,得到的時(shí)間和原因都可以是理由;對于兒童題,陪伴是個(gè)萬能理由。丨給大家一些語言點(diǎn)提示:1.special: , unique, (means a lot)2.玩具詞匯: stuffed dolls, models, building blocks, jigsaw puzzle丨所以我們可以這么說:As a girl growing up in a working-class family, I did not have as many toys as other girls back to my childhood, but now I still maintain a set of building-block, for it is my favorite that is so special to me.I think I got it in the year I went to primary school. At that time, all my families felt so happy for me, my grandpa who always regarded me as the apple in his eyes. To me, he bought me a set of building block which was made up of like 100 pieces which were in different colors, sizes and shapes. Can you picture how excited I was when I got it? I was so ecstatic about my new toy and treasured it as much as I could, played it almost every day, sometimes alone, sometimes with the company of my home girls. I could still remember how I used the blocks to construct houses, buildings, castles and stuff like that. With just a blink, I’ve already become an adult, a lady, and my favorite building block has already been put aside into the closet. How time flies!But it is still very special and to me, for it’s given by my grandpa who passed away like 10 years ago. When I was young and grandpa was still alive, he always played it with me together and it was a lot of fun. Now when I see my favorite toy blocks, it could always remind me about my beloved grandpa and those beautiful memories we shared together.Also, back to my childhood, both of my parents were fully occupied with work to fight for our family, so most of time, I had to stayed home alone and wait for them to come back. To get rid of , I usually chose to play with my toy block. In other word, it’s like my best and most special companion in my childhood.Last but not least, now when I look back, it was also very special, helpful & in the of my . I once heard from the lecture that toy blocks were very in improving eye-hand for kids. Meanwhile, by playing it, children could also take the best use of their & .Reasons above all make building blocks my most special toy in life.通過上面的解析之后,寶寶們是不是覺得思路一下子變清晰了呢~大家也可以嘗試著說一說自己想要說的童年時(shí)的玩具,然后按照學(xué)姐給大家的語言點(diǎn)提示自己串一下話題,能活學(xué)活用是學(xué)姐對泥萌*的期待啦~好啦,今天的口語話題解析就到這里??谡Z和寫作一樣,這類輸出型的項(xiàng)目大家一定要多說多練多修改,只有你自己掌握了所有的表達(dá)方式后才能在考試中拿高分呢~學(xué)姐祝愿各位小烤鴨都能早日破解口語低分魔咒,雅思分?jǐn)?shù)7777!學(xué)姐祝泥萌斬獲7777給你們筆芯芯,我們下次雅思口語話題積累再見啦~~


*雅思口語考試話題(55個(gè))1惡劣的天氣weather2最喜歡的書book3喜歡的餐館城市發(fā)展 of city5青年文化culture6時(shí)尚fashion7難忘的事an thing which is not easy forget8欣賞的名人people who is famous9媒體 AND site12影響深刻的建筑物家用電器廣告影響*的人people who influent you16日常的一天daily time17交通工具北京Beijing19動物(野生)wild animal20顏色color21喜歡的山hill22春節(jié)spring 好朋友good friend24錢money25衣服clothes26玩具.有意義的東西toy. meaning thing27想學(xué)的技巧skill28愛好hobbies29*教育Chinese 自我介紹(盡可能詳細(xì))introduce myself31喜歡的季節(jié)season32傳統(tǒng)空閑時(shí)間spare time34家鄉(xiāng)學(xué)習(xí)英語.學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗(yàn)study english.社會問題social 父母親parents38敬佩的人people who you admire39長的象的人people who you look like40計(jì)算機(jī)計(jì)算機(jī)前的發(fā)明 an invention before 禮物gift43旅游最喜歡的商店shop.store45壞習(xí)慣bad habit46少數(shù)民族an ethnic minonty47*的特色最喜歡的運(yùn)動sport49國際援助 aid50孩童時(shí)開心的事childhood happy things

6.雅思口語1-4月新題Part 2:描述一個(gè)你童年喜歡的玩具

大家好,今天要為大家送上的口語干貨是2021年一季度雅思口語話題Part 2中的Describe a toy you liked in your childhood,描述童年你喜歡的一個(gè)玩具。不知道細(xì)心的同學(xué)們有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn),Toy(玩具)這個(gè)話題一直是雅思口語題庫里Part1和Part 2的常客。而且,讓考生覺得最頭疼的地方是,明明大家的童年有那么多玩具,可是要用英語來描述這個(gè)話題的時(shí)候卻無從下手。所以,經(jīng)常有同學(xué)跟我反映,這個(gè)話題真的很難。那么,今天就讓我來為大家解析一下這道口語題,并且附上一篇范文給到考生作為參考,希望能給到大家一些素材和靈感。Name首先,要描述自己童年喜歡的玩具,你得會說這個(gè)玩具的名稱??忌跍?zhǔn)備素材的時(shí)候,沒有必要在名字上浪費(fèi)時(shí)間,大家可以想一些簡單的玩具對應(yīng)選一個(gè)自己認(rèn)為發(fā)音不會出錯(cuò),且方便記憶的玩具名稱即可。以下這些玩具名稱是老師為考生準(zhǔn)備的素材:? 樂高:Lego? 拼圖:Jigsaw? 桌游:Board Games? 魔方:Magic Cube? 積木:Building Block? 變形金剛:? 橡皮泥:? 洋娃娃:Dolls? 毛絨玩具:Stuffed Toys? 遙控車/飛機(jī):Remote control car / plane Material一般問到玩具的材質(zhì),考生也會覺得比較難回答。事實(shí)上是考生把這個(gè)問題想復(fù)雜了,你只需要簡單說出材質(zhì)即可,因?yàn)樵赑art 2中材質(zhì)不是重點(diǎn),它只是能夠幫助你拓展話題的一個(gè)方向而已。但是,一些常見材質(zhì)的詞匯也是考生必須掌握的,例如:? 塑料:plastic? 木質(zhì):wood / wooden? 金屬:metal? 橡皮,橡膠:rubber? 靠電池運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的:battery-operated? 防水的:water-通常在Part 2做總結(jié)的時(shí)候,題目要求一般會問該話題下的感受和評價(jià)。針對Toys玩具話題,考生一般的思路要么是這個(gè)玩具好玩,要么是這個(gè)玩具陪伴了自己童年很長的時(shí)間。其實(shí),大家還可以說通過玩這個(gè)玩具你學(xué)到了什么,例如有沒有益智,有沒有開發(fā)了你的其他能力等;所以,Alex為大家準(zhǔn)備了一些素材是通過玩這個(gè)玩具所得到的好處:? It helps in boosting my IQ and EQ. 它幫助我提高了智商和情商。? It enhances the of problem-solving skills. 它幫助我提高了我解決問題的能力。? It improved my . 它能夠讓我更集中注意力。? Learning how to play with others through , conflict and sharing. 在和其他人一起玩的時(shí)候,讓我學(xué)會了妥協(xié),中途解決和分享。? Nurturing my and . 培養(yǎng)了我的創(chuàng)造力和想象力。? It does enhances of my senses. 確實(shí)提高了我的感知能力。? It also helps me to discover my .它確實(shí)幫助我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的獨(dú)立能力。Sample其實(shí)大家不難發(fā)現(xiàn)老師的用詞都不難,而且這些詞匯都是大家耳熟能詳?shù)?,所以對于Part 2的話題來說最重要的就是針對不同的話題積累不同的素材。那么接下來,老師就為大家送上一篇Part 2玩具的范文供各位考生參考:I'd like to share with you one of my favorite toys which is Lego. It was my 8-year birthday gift given by my parents. I remember when I was a kid, I always loved the toys I could use to build something.I think everyone knows about how to play Lego. Basically, you have blocks of different shapes that you can interlock together to build something. Think about some of your favorite places to go, whether it's a museum, someone’s house, or a national landmark, then use you to create it on your own. Or build themed sets is a lot fun. For example, if you have a themed pirate set with a boat and a beach, try changing the landscape and creating a forest instead.I loved playing with these toys because it taught me how to build things. It was a creative outlet. This activity is also really good for my ability to think 'outside the box' and imagine new solutions to familiar problems. Plus, part of the fun playing with Lego is spreading them out all around you and letting your run wild. So, to be honest, I'm crazy about it.Well, that’s the toy I wanna share with you. Thank you.文中關(guān)鍵詞解析? interlock,動詞,意為“連結(jié)”,在文中指的是樂高每一塊可以連結(jié)在一起? outside the box,意為“跳出思維定式之外”,在文中指玩樂高可以充分發(fā)揮你的想象? run wild,意為“盡情奔跑”,在文中也同樣是指玩樂高可以充分發(fā)揮你的想象,可以看做是outside the box的一個(gè)同義替換說法好的,今天的分享就到這里,希望今天的口語干貨能夠帶給大家一些幫助,感謝大家,我們下期見!


雅思口語part1必考話題范文:Toys(玩具),最全的話題相關(guān)問題,附高分回答范例及高分語料。1. Do you play with toys when you were a child?2. What kinds of toys did you like?3. In your country, do boys and girls play with the same types of toys?4. Do you think that toys help children to learn?5. How? (related to question number 4)6.Do you think children should share toys?7.What do you think is the impact of sharing toys between children?8.What can you tell about between the toys before and toys nowadays?9.How would toys help in the of children?1. Do you play with toys when you were a child?Yes, of course. I enjoyed playing with toys when I was small. I think all children do.2. What kinds of toys did you like?I was attracted by dolls, cars and stuffed animal toys. My bed was full of stuffed chicken, bear, panda toys and I always thought that they would protect me when I was sleeping.3. In your country, do boys and girls play with the same types of toys?Not really. I think boys prefer playing with boy toys like cars, robots.. and girls would choose Barbie dolls, stuffed animals... However, some boys and girls like to play the same things and enjoy playing together.4. Do you think that toys help children to learn?Well, it depends on types of toys they play with. Violence toys such as plastic swords or sticks would make them familiar with violent actions. If we provide them suitable toys, toys will be a good way to encourage children to use their and .5. How? (related to question number 4)6.Do you think children should share toys?Yes, . If children share their toys, they would learn the habit of sharing things among each other. It is nothing but learning with fun and would help them to learn good lessons of life. They would grow up to be gentle persons and the thought of sharing things would inculcate in them the sense of which is required to be good citizens in the society. Hence, it is good if kids share their toys with each other.7.What do you think is the impact of sharing toys between children?As I said earlier also, it is a good practice to let the children share their toys. The biggest impact it can have on the kids is that they would be learning on how to work in group and exchange things with others. It would keep them away from the habit of being highly about the things they own and they would learn the lesson of humanity that good humans help each other by sharing things.8.What can you tell about between the toys before and toys nowadays?Toys have really got changed a lot due to the latest used for these toys. Now, toys are clear and exact of the cartoon rather than rough images that were available earlier in the market. Secondly, children are now made to play with toys such as mini-piano, mini-computer and other such high-tech things so that they can learn with fun.9.How would toys help in the of children?Playing with toys helps a child to develop various skills such as , art, and so on. Different types of toys can be meant for different purposes. For example, a small piano device can help the child learn music and be familiar with different types of rhythms in music. In this way, they can even learn with fun .Well, it is a fact that sometimes with even simple toys, children can use their to create or invent games and rules. For example, they use colorful wooden bars to form a lot of things, even a castle.IELTS Speaking part 1 consists of questions that start from your such as your name, place, work etc. to warm you up and make you feel , and then progress to the questions about your likings, disliking and hobbies. Let us practice some recently asked questions in the part 1 section of IELTS speaking which were reported by a student who gave his exam. It is that you first read the question, answer it yourself and then read the following answers to make of your answers with them. Remember that you do not get time to think here in this section and your answer, thus, should be .


我收集到的:3月5日口語權(quán)威預(yù)測(天后劉薇 )Part 11. study or workDo you study or work?What’s your major? Why do you like it?What was your when you were in the middle school? Why?2. flat or houseDo you live in a flat or house?What is your flat like?What can one see from your window?What are on the walls of your room?3. gardenDo Chinese people have ?What do people usually plant in the gardens?4. bike and swimDo you ride a bike?What are the of riding a bike?Do you swim?Where do you usually swim?How did you learn swim?5. music and filmsWhat music do you like best? Why?Where do you usually listen to music?What type of film do you like best?Do you prefer watching films at cinemas or at home?When/where do you watch films?6. you like shopping?When/where do you usually go shopping?7. do you often birthday?8. sport and relaxWhat sport do you like best?How often do you do it?What can sport bring to people’s life?9. computer and do you usually use computers do?What are the and of internet?10. hometown and something about you hometown.Is there any place in your hometown?What’s special about your hometown?Does it usually rain in your hometown?11. you prefer writing by hand or the computer?Part 21. a family member2. an old man還有小孩這種常規(guī)話題都要準(zhǔn)備3. a person who you helped before4. a person who is good at cooking5. a library6. a house belonging to somebody else7. a part of your hometown8. a city 套接 a tourism /a place with a lot of water9. a toy10. a book11. clothes in special . a thing you’d like to buy in the future13. a sport event14. an advice 按照我上課說的,套接important decision/人生的重要階段stage/成功的經(jīng)歷/人生中的重要改變15. newspaper/. a piece of news getting from the TV17. TV program18. an . a law20. an . favorite season22. a long journey23. a call/a speech24. an 我也是3.5的,除了口語其他幾個(gè)方面的預(yù)測基本沒用,我考過的,把時(shí)間放在劍橋和口語上,足夠,希望你可以采納哦。


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