下面小編跟大家一起了解GRE 詞匯精解分享,希望對(duì)大家的學(xué)習(xí)有所幫助。
One that adds, especially a computational device that performs arithmetic addition.
Any of several nonvenomous snakes, such as the milk snake of North America, popularly believed to be harmful.
4467, owlet [alt]
幼貓頭鷹; 幼梟
4468, ravin ['r?vn]
n. 掠奪;掠奪物;獵食
adj. 狼吞虎咽的;貪婪的
vt. 狼吞虎咽;大嚼
The wolf is the arch type of ravin, the beast of waste and desolation.
4469, yew [ju]
漿果紫杉, 紅豆杉; 水松
[Yew ]紫杉屬
common yew 歐洲紫杉
紫杉:一種紫杉 屬的有毒常綠樹或灌木,長(zhǎng)有猩紅色的杯狀種子,和上部深綠下部淡黃的扁平針
The wood of any of these trees, especially the durable, fine-grained wood of the Old World speciesTaxus baccata, used in cabinetmaking and for archery bows.
紫杉木:這些樹的木材,尤指東半球品種歐洲紅豆杉 的耐用、紋理細(xì)密的木材,用于制作柜子或射箭的弓
4470, drab [dr?b]
adj. 單調(diào)的;土褐色的
n. 淺褐色;無(wú)生氣;邋遢;小額
vt. 使無(wú)生氣
a slatternly woman
finished the work in dribs and drabs 零打碎敲地做完工作
“Even amid his drabbing, he himself retained some virginal airs”(Stanislaus Joyce)
He was so handsome that Francie felt like a dark drab alongside of him.
出自: Betty Smith
Woe to white gowns! Woe to black! Drab was your only wear.
出自: M. R. Mitford