

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)問答 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)問答 > 英語口語中常用的三個(gè)縮略詞


日期:2019-10-17 09:30:45     瀏覽:154    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
核心提示: 美國人生活中會(huì)使用許多縮略詞,他們彼此間溝通自如,但母語不是英語的我們卻可能聽不懂?,F(xiàn)在常用的一些縮略詞包括,英語口語:美語中常用的三個(gè)縮略詞。

 ?。簂ol (laugh out loud), skool (school), btw (by the way), idk (i don't know), idc (i don't care)等等。接下來,我們就來具體講述三個(gè)縮略詞。
  1 tmi
  "tmi" ("too much information"), a slang expression indicating that someone has divulged too much personal information and made the listener uncomfortable. 說話的人說了太多別人并不想知道的事。
  generally, americans don't like to talk about the specifics of personal matters like a doctor's visit, especially when the details are disgusting! 凡是像看醫(yī)生這類的私事,美國人一般不會(huì)告訴別人,否則的話就是tmi。
  he began to talk about his last trip to the underwear store. i told him, "tmi!"
  下一次,如果有人跟你滔滔不絕地講述你并不想知道的事情,你就可以說:please, tmi!
  2 asap
  asap means "as soon as possible",也就是“盡快”的意思。那么為什么不說as soon as possible而說asap呢?
  if you are in a hurry, it's easier to just say asap. it also sounds more forceful. for instance, if your boss tells you, "i need you to get this done asap!" you know that he is in a hurry! 匆忙的時(shí)候說asap,既能節(jié)省時(shí)間,聽起來也比較干脆,比較有力。


  write to me (or call me) asap!!
  i need to go to work asap, so i need to hand this in before i go.
  susan, check those figures asap!
  3 pdq
  pdq stands for "pretty darn quick." 意思是very quickly, as quickly as possible, at once, immediately. 它用于非正式場合,意思和asap差不多,不過faster than asap。
  如今的金融危機(jī)讓許多職場人更加拼命得工作,他們的午餐eat pdq,餐后get back to work pdq。
  my boss assigned me a project this morning, and he really wants me to finish it pdq.
  pdq or you are late for school.

