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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓問答 > 北京英語培訓問答 > 關于牙齒的英語口語對話練習-英語口語練習


日期:2019-09-12 11:23:30     瀏覽:255    來源:天才領路者
核心提示: 今天小編為大家準備了英語口語對話:牙齒檢查與洗牙,希望對大家有所幫助,接下來跟小編一起來看一下吧。 D:Hello,howareyoutoday?Hereforyoursixmonthcheck-up?

  今天小編為大家準備了英語口語對話:牙齒檢查與洗牙,希望對大家有所幫助,接下來跟小編一起來看一下吧。   D:Hello, how are you today? Here for your six month check-up?   嘿,今天還好吧,是來做半年的檢查嗎?   G:I'm fine, Dr. Meecham. Yes, just a cleaning and check-up today.   我挺好,Meecham醫(yī)生,我是來做個檢查,并洗洗牙。   D:Oh, fine. Let's take a look.   好,讓我寫看一下。   D:(She probed my teeth and checked my gums.)Well, it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose. We need to fill that cavity before it gets any worse and the crown needs to be refitted. Make an appointment for next week and I'll take care of them.   (她檢查著我的牙齒還有牙齦。)看來你的牙有一個洞,而且牙冠也有點松。我們要將洞補上防止惡化,牙冠也需要加固一下。你約一個下周的號,到時我會來處理。   G:Okay, I'll do that, but my crown was just put on last year. Will my dental insurance cover the work?

關于牙齒的英語口語對話練習 英語口語練習

  好,我這就去。不過我的牙冠是去年才安上的。我不知道這部分我的保險是否承擔?   D:Since you had that done here, we'll take care of it. There won't be a charge. And, your insurance should cover the work on the cavity. Now, I'm going to have the hygienist do your cleaning and I'll see you soon for the other work.   既然牙冠是我們這里做的,這個我們來負責,不需要你承擔費用。不過補洞的部分需要你的保險來承擔?,F(xiàn)在我讓清洗師給你做清洗,其它工作以后我來做。   G:Thanks, doctor.   謝謝醫(yī)生。

