

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)問答 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)問答 > 專升本英語提升的方法-專升本條件


日期:2019-08-19 07:41:31     瀏覽:229    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
核心提示: 1.下面小編跟大家一起了解專升本英語提升必看語法匯總每日一題!希望對大家的學(xué)習(xí)有所幫助。 2.fare乘車或船等的費(fèi)用,票價 3.farm農(nóng)場;農(nóng)莊 4.farmer農(nóng)民 5.fast快的

  1.下面小編跟大家一起了解專升本英語提升必看語法匯總 每日一題!希望對大家的學(xué)習(xí)有所幫助。   2.fare 乘車或船等的費(fèi)用,票價   3.farm 農(nóng)場;農(nóng)莊   4.farmer 農(nóng)民   5.fast 快的,迅速的;緊密的 快地,迅速地;緊密地   6.fasten 扎牢;扣住   7.fat 脂肪 胖的;肥的   8.father 父親   9.fault 缺點(diǎn),毛病   10.favour 恩惠;好意;幫助   一、情態(tài)動詞的基本用法   1.can   (1)(表示能力)能……;會……   She can drive,but she can’t ride a bicycle.   【注】could表示“原來具備某種能力,現(xiàn)在沒有這種能力了”,   但was/were able to則表示過去成功地做成了某事.   I could swim all the way across the lake,but I can’t now.   我原來能游過這個湖,但現(xiàn)在不能了.   The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out.   大火很快蔓延了整個旅館,但全體人員都脫離了危險.   (2)(表示可能、許可)能夠……;可以……   “Can I use your telephone?”“Yes,of course you can.”   You can’t park your car in this street.   【注】can可作“有時候會……”解,意思是平時或大部分時間不   是這樣子,只是偶爾發(fā)生的事情.如:   Jogging can be harmful to the health.   慢跑有時候會對身體健康有害.   (3)(表溫和的命令)請做……,得……   I’ll do the cooking,and you can do the washing.   我來做飯,請你去洗衣服.   (4)(用于疑問句中,表請求、提議)能不能……;要不要……   Can you give me a lift to the station?   Can’t you lend me ten dollars?   請你借給我10美元吧?   (5)(用于疑問句中,表驚訝、懷疑等)“(到底)可能有這樣的事嗎?”   Can it be that it was I,not he,who was mistaken?   難道錯的會是我,而不是他嗎?   (6)構(gòu)成下列特殊句式:  ?、賑an not/can never...too...或cannot...enough “無論怎么……也不過分;越……越好;非?!?   One cannot be too careful. 越認(rèn)真越好.   I cannot thank you enough.我對你感激不盡.  ?、赾annot help doing.../cannot help but do.../cannnot but do...“禁不??;不由得;不得不”.   I cannot help admiring the picture whenever I look at it.   When a close friend dies,you cannot but feel sad.   2.may   (1)(表準(zhǔn)許、請求)可以……   You may go home now,Susan.蘇珊,你現(xiàn)在可以回家了.   May I have a word with you,please?我可以跟你說句話嗎?   (2)(表愿望、祝福)但愿;?!?此時,句子要用倒裝語序.   May you succeed!祝你成功!   (3)(用于目的狀語從句中)為了;為了能夠   He works hard so that he may get good grades.   (4)(用于讓步狀語從句中)即使;無論   Whatever he may say,I don’t believe him.   (5)構(gòu)成句型:may/might as well do sth. “還是做某事的好;不妨去做   某事”   Since we’ve got nothing better to do,we might as well go for a walk.   既然我們沒什么更好的事情可做,我們不妨去散散步.   3.must   (1)(表義務(wù)、必要性、命令)必須,得,要   “Must I wash the dishes at once?”“No,you needn’t.”“我得立   刻洗這些盤子嗎?”“不,不必.”   Animals must eat to live.為了活下去,動物必須吃東西.   【注】mustn’t表“禁止、不準(zhǔn)”.   You mustn’t play with the knife;you may hurt yourself.   你不可玩刀子,你會把自己割傷的.   (2)(表必然性)必定   Everyone must die.每個人都必定會死.   (3)(表固執(zhí)、不滿等)偏偏;硬要;偏要   If you must know,I’m going to help him look for an apartment.   如果你偏要知道,那我告訴你,我要去幫助他找一套公寓.

專升本英語提升的方法   專升本條件

  4.shall   (1)用于疑問句中,與一、、三人稱連用,表示征求對方的意見   Shall she go to the concert with us this evening?   Shall we go out for a walk?   【注】may用于征求對方的許可,shall用于征求對方的意見或指示.   May I have a look?我能看一下嗎?   Shall I have a look?要我看一下嗎?   (2)用于第二、三人稱,表示說話人的命令、警告、強(qiáng)制、允諾、威   脅或決心等   Don’t worry.You shall get the answer this very afternoon.   不要焦急,今天下午你就會得到答復(fù).(允諾)   He shall be sorry one day.I tell you.   我告訴你,他早晚有一天會后悔的.(警告)   (3)(用于法律、規(guī)則等條文中)應(yīng)……,須……,得……   The fine shall be given in cash.罰款應(yīng)以現(xiàn)金繳納.   5.should   (1)(表義務(wù)、責(zé)任)應(yīng)該   We should attend the meeting.   我們應(yīng)該參加這次會議.   (2)(表預(yù)期)應(yīng)該會,想必會,一定會……吧   The concert should be great fun.音樂會一定會很有意思.   (3)(表驚訝、遺憾)竟然;居然   I’m glad that your story should have won the first prize.   我很高興你的小說居然贏得頭獎.   (4)(與疑問詞連用,表示意外、納悶、驚訝等)究竟是;到底   Who should come in but my old friend Betty!   我當(dāng)是誰進(jìn)來了呢,原來是我的老朋友貝蒂呀!   (5)(用于條件狀語從句中)一旦;萬一   If she should know the truth,she would be greatly depressed.   萬一她知道了實(shí)情,她將會非常失望.   Should you change your mind,let us know.   你一旦改變主意,就通知我們.   (6)(用于表示命令、建議、請求的動詞后面的that從句中,且should   可省略)應(yīng)該;必須   She demanded that they (should) leave at once.   她要求他們立即離開.   (7)(用于以lest,for fear that,in case引導(dǎo)的狀語從句中)以免;唯恐   She gave me a list just in case I should forget what to buy.   她給了我一張清單,以免我忘記買些什么.   6.would   (1)(表過去的習(xí)慣性動作)(從前)常常;經(jīng)常   We would stay up all night talking about our future.   那時候,我們常常徹夜談?wù)撐覀兊膶?   (2)(表示說話者的厭煩、焦躁)老是;偏要   That’s exactly like Susie.She would come to me just when I was busy.   蘇西就是那個樣子,她老是在我忙碌的時候來找我.   (3)(用于否定句中,主語一般是事物,表示某事物暫時的特性)就是(不能)   That window wouldn’t open.那扇窗戶打不開.   Mary still can’t say “What’s your name?”even if he ______ English for a month.   A. has been learnt   B. has learnt   C. learns   D. is learning   【翻譯】瑪麗不會說你的名字是什么,即使他學(xué)英語1個月了。   【考點(diǎn)】時態(tài)   【解析】主句、從句都用現(xiàn)在時   Not until he left his home ______ to know how important the family was for him.   A. did he begin   B. will he begin   C. he began   D. he had begun  

